Saturday, November 10, 2007

Are your keywords in the right place? Avoid lost sales by reading these easy tips.

If you've got a website, you know how important "keywords" are to search engine optimization. What you might not know, is that they need to be used correctly - in just the right places, and just the right amount. Using too many of them in a certain place can actually make your search engine ranking DROP like brick off a bridge.

Follow these rules if you want to maximize your Search Engine ranking and explode traffic.

1) Choose keywords that are actually on your site. Picking keywords that people are really looking for is great - if you customize your site to appeal to them. But don't squeeze them in if they're not really what you're selling.

2) Niche Markets. You don't have to sell to everyone. Actually, sometimes it's better to find a specific service you and only you can provide, and then target potential customers. Better to be a big fish in a small pond...

3) Where to put your keywords, and how many should be there!

Discover the little-known secrets that can have big SEO results

Your keywords need to be found in the right places, and in the right proportions, in order to have good SEO with Yahoo, Google and the other big internet giants. Did you know, for example, that the first sentence of your body text is a hotspot search engines check for keywords? Or that having more than 16 words located there will cause them to think you're key-word stuffing? (Many Search Engines have a number which is the "optimal" length for various categories.)

Take advantage of the following simple checklist to jump-start your successful search ranking.

Your keyword(s) should be in:

  1. The Meta/Header document title (9 words max)
  2. Meta/Header keywords - position matters! Most important keywords should come first
  3. Meta description (30 words max)
  4. Body text
  5. Body text bold
  6. First sentence of body text (16 words max)
  7. URL (You probably can't change this one if you've already made your site)
  8. H1 (72 characters max)
  9. H2 (34 words max)
  10. Same Site Links (91 words max)
  11. Outbound link URL’s

Go through your website and check to make sure your keywords can be found in all of these places, and also check the length to make sure you're SEO compatible. However, make sure it doesn't make your body text or headlines sound strange, fake or keyword-stuffed. If visitors get turned off by keyword saturation, your efforts have been wasted.

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